Writing Assignments





Jump Start Your Photography

  • Look at popular photoblogs and get inspired.
  • Listen to my favorite music.
  • Shoot a sporting event.
  • Shoot for a holiday theme.
  • Shoot a gorgeous model.
  • See an art show.
  • Shoot Family pictures.
  • Shoot my favorite foods.
  • Use a prop in an interesting way.
  • Take a self portrait.



Social Media Trends for 2021

1: Show Your Audience Your “Reel” Brand Personality with Instagram Reels or TikTok

This trend is about how these films that are 15-30 seconds max. This trend will apply in my brand if I want to promote my brand or company.

2: Make New Friends, But Keep The Old: Don’t Leave Long-Form Video Out

This trend is about people making content for their audience and making videos to entertain. This trend will apply for me if I were to want to give information to my audience about my brand and how it will be for those who want to know.

3: Stories Capabilities Are Not Only Here to Stay, They’re Growing

This trend is about how the companies started off in one place and they move up and now are everywhere. This will mean that our brand is growing and being more popular.

4: Replace Face-to-Face Time with Screen-to-Screen Time

This trend is talking about if you want to be in a in a meeting it doesn’t have to be in person no more it can be from wherever you want. It will benefit the time for a lot of people wanting to meet with important people.

5: Make eCommerce Even Easier: Social Media Becoming a One-Stop Shop

It is about how you can make purchases from anywhere now a day’s and how you can do it from a lot of apps. This is beneficial because you can just pay from wherever you want and don’t have to take time to go to the place.

6: When It Comes to Content Strategy, Knowledge is Power

Making these life hack videos really do help a lot of people out and it can bring your brand up if u keep on entertaining them.

7: Just Because You Can Go Text-Heavy on Facebook, Doesn’t Mean You Should

This trend speaks about how people waste their time in heavy texting on Facebook instead they should juts make time being in Facebook but offering your audience an explanation why they should be all up in your brand.

8: Keep What’s Behind the Brand and Behind the Screen at the Forefront: People

This trend talks about what are the benefits for pushing your brand forward or having a great friendship in other brands. This will definitely apply in my brand because you want to come forward with your brand and make a hell of a name for it.






Broad Museum 

The one that caught my eye was the Julie Mehretu one; the Six Bardos: Appearance. I like this image because it looks like a mess but at the same time it is sharp. Another is thing that caught my eye is that under that paint there are meaning like the x’s and there are names that can’t really see them, but they are they. This picture reminds me of  a person that says you have to give me attention to know who I am; which at first I didn’t understand the image but looking at it for a good amount of time I understood it, which is another thing I like about this image is almost like this image is a personality which is cool to the things you can do to an image. And  one the last thing I like about this image is the gold and white paint that just swirls through the canvas.